Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things.
-Marcus Tulius Cicero


a. Books

1. Stone, C.B. & Bietti, L. (eds.) (in press). Contextualising human memory: An interdisciplinary approach to understanding how individuals and groups remember the past. Milton, UK: Routledge.

b. Book chapters

1. Hirst, W., Coman, A., & Stone, C.B. (2012). Memory and jury deliberation: The benefits and costs of collective remembering. In L. Nadel & W. Sinnott-Armstrong (eds.), Memory and law (pp. 161-184). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

2. Hirst, W. & Stone, C.B. (in press). Social aspects of memory. In R.A. Scott and S.M. Kosslyn (eds.), Emerging trends in the social and behavioural sciences.

3. Stone, C.B. & Bietti, L. (in press). Introduction to contextualizing human memory. In C.B. Stone & L. Bietti (eds.), Contextualising human memory: An interdisciplinary approach to understanding how individuals and groups remember the past (pp. XX-XX). Milton, UK: Routledge.

4. Stone, C.B. (in press). Contextualizing the mnemonic consequences of silence within everyday conversations. In C.B. Stone & L. Bietti (eds.), Contextualising human memory: An interdisciplinary approach to understanding how individuals and groups remember the past (pp. XX-XX). Milton, UK: Routledge.

5. Hirst, W., & Stone, CB. (in press). A unified approach to collective memory: Sociology, psychology, and the extended mind. In S. Kattago (ed.), The Ashgate research companion to memory studies (pp. XX-XX). Surey, UK: Ashgate.

c. Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

1. Stone, C.B., Barnier, A.J., Sutton, J., & Hirst, W. (2010). Building consensus about the past: Schema-consistency and convergence in socially shared retrieval-induced forgetting [Special issue]. Memory, 18(2), 170-184.

2. Stone, C.B., Coman, A., Brown, A.D., Koppel, J., & Hirst, W. (2012). Toward a science of silence: The consequences of leaving a memory unsaid. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 7, 39-53.

3. Luminet, O., Licata, L., Klein, O., Rosoux, V., Heenen-Wolff, S., van Ypersele, L., & Stone, C.B. (2012). The interplay between collective memory and the erosion of nation states: The paradigmatic case of Belgium. Introduction to the special issue. Memory Studies, 5, 3-15.

4. Stone, C.B., Luminet, O., Hirst, W. (2013). Induced forgetting and reduced confidence in our personal past? The consequences of selectively retrieving emotional autobiographical memories. Acta Psychologica, 144, 250-257.

5. Koppel, J., Brown, A.D., Stone, C.B., Coman, A., & Hirst, W. (2013). Remembering President Barack Obama’s inauguration and the landing of US Airways Flight 1549: A comparison of the predictors of autobiographical and event memory. Memory, 21, 798-806.

6. Stone, C.B., Mercy, A., Licata, L., Klein, O, & Luminet, O. (2013). Mnemonic differences and similarities across opposing social groups: The linguistic conflict at the University of Leuven as a case study. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 2, 166-172.

7. Stone, C.B., Barnier, A.J., Sutton, J., & Hirst, W. (2013). Forgetting our personal past: Socially shared retrieval-induced forgetting of autobiographical memories. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142(4),1084-1099.

8. Coman, A., Stone, C.B., Castano, E., & Hirst, W. (2014). Justifying atrocities: The effect of moral-disengagement strategies on socially shared retrieval-induced forgetting. Psychological Science.

9. Stone, C.B., Van der Haegen, A., Hirst, W., & Luminet, O. (in press). Cultural vs. Communicative memory: An intergenerational examination of World War II memories across and within Belgian French-speaking families. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition

10. Stone, C.B., & Hirst, W. (in press). (Induced) Forgetting to form a collective memory: [Special issue]. Memory Studies.

11. Bietti, L., Stone, C.B., & Hirst, W. (in press). Contextualizing human memory [Special issue]. Memory Studies.

12. Dressaire, D., Stone, C.B., Nielson, K., Guerdoux, E., Martin, S., Bernardon, A., Brouillet, D., & Luminet, O. (in press). Alexithymia impairs the cognitive control of both negative and neutral material in adults: A directed forgetting study. Cognition & Emotion.

13. Stone, C.B., Luminet, O., & Takahashi, M., (under review). Remembering public events: A cross-cultural examination of Australian and Japanese public memories. Applied Cognitive Psychology.

d. Manuscripts in Preparation

1. Stone, C.B., Luminet, O., Licata, L., Klein, O., & Hirst, W. (in prep.). Public speeches induce “collective” forgetting? The Belgian King’s 2012 summer speech as a case study.

e. Book Reviews

1. Stone, C.B. (2011). Review of “Principles of Memory” by A. Surprenant & I. Neath. Memory Studies, 4(2), 251-253.